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CLISE uses the six-task process model of implementation with its six main task categories: <span style=" font-weight: bold"><font color="A880CF">Motivate, Prepare, Train, Support, Validate, and Sustain.</div>
CLISE uses the six-task process model of implementation with its six main task categories: <span style=" font-weight: bold"><font color="A880CF">Motivate, Prepare, Train, Support, Validate, and Sustain.</div>

Revision as of 02:46, 7 September 2021

Các công việc cần thực hiện
CLISE uses the six-task process model of implementation with its six main task categories: Motivate, Prepare, Train, Support, Validate, and Sustain.

Each task category is made up of a set of specific tasks. School Managers will choose the tasks from each task category that meet their school’s current implementation level to create their own implementation plan. The implementation plan should be monitored and adjusted regularly to meet each school’s needs, since they may change from year to year.

CLISE Program Six-Task Implementation Model

  • It takes time for all stakeholders to get familiar with this implementation model because it is the ideal model that categorizes all necessary tasks for a smooth and effective cycle of implementing CLISE program within an academic year. This model reflects a long-term plan of improving both curricular and operational aspects pertinent to CLISE program.  It should not be expected that schools execute all listed tasks within each category or interpret every single task in the same way because schools’ realities and priorities vary from one school to another. Instead, this model should be considered as a recommended tool to coordinate joint efforts of relevant stakeholders in supporting each other to ensure the consistent implementation of the program at different administration levels.
  • Categories of tasks do not necessarily have to be implemented in order. Those listed tasks are interrelated and mutually supportive. In other words, schools do not have to finish all tasks within a certain category before moving on to the next category. For example, training teachers about the purpose of the program can be conducted from the very beginning of the academic year, during which schools are doing things to motivate teachers and staff and increase their engagement with the program delivery. Or the task of “maintaining communication with key stakeholders (within Support category) and other tasks of Prepare category can be conducted at the same time.
  • The Program Department does not execute all tasks of each component. Instead, the Program Department is only part of all stakeholders and shares some tasks within this model. Some tasks are solely executed by the Program Department but most of the tasks are shared by multiple stakeholders. Thus, this model is not the exhaustive list of combined single tasks from all stakeholders in the program implementation process. Those tasks are listed out in light of what is necessary for the implementation of CLISE program itself. The responsibilities of each stakeholder are described in the section “implementation roles.”


Motivating key stakeholders to commit to and participate in the program increases the overall chances of positive outcomes for students. The main purpose of Motivate tasks is to help stakeholders understand why the program is important and necessary in your setting.

Task Description Resources
Create awareness of a need for the program Help staff and other key stakeholders understand the importance of social-emotional learning and how the program addresses it ◦ Program Overview Video

◦ Program Overview PowerPoint ◦Online Training

◦ Self-Regulation Skills and the CLISE Program (PDF)

Provide a program overview for staff and other key stakeholders Introduce them to the program's benefits and features ◦ Program Overview Video

◦ Program Overview PowerPoint ◦Online Training

Demonstrate alignment between the program goals and your school’s needs Present results from needs assessments ◦ Aligning the CLISE Program with School Plans and Initiatives (PDF)
Demonstrate how the program integrates with current school improvement initiatives Show your staff and stakeholders how the program matches your school’s mission, vision, and improvement plan ◦ Aligning the CLISE Program with School Plans and Initiatives (PDF)

◦ Primary Academic Alignment Chart (PDF)

◦ RTI/PBIS Alignment Chart (PDF)

Inform stakeholders about the time investment required and the benefits Give staff an idea of how much of their time it'll take to implement the program and how much time they can save in the long run that they currently lose on discipline and other issues ◦Online Training
Show support for the program and provide an overall plan Demonstrate support for the program to staff and communicate your implementation plan ◦ Implementation Plan Template (PDF)

◦ Sample Implementation Plan (PDF)

◦ Implementation Preparedness Survey (PDF)

◦ Building Your CLISE Support Network (PDF)

Assess staff readiness Determine whether staff are ready and willing to implement the program ◦ Online Training
Get stakeholders excited about the program Report successes to staff and other key stakeholders, and provide ongoing training to renew staff enthusiasm ◦ Online Training

◦ See Validate Task Category


Prepare for CLISE implementation by ensuring that all plans, policies, procedures, people, and materials involved are ready at the beginning of the academic year.

Task Description Resources
Develop an implementation plan Make short- and long-term implementation plans, including duration, budget, tasks, roles, and scheduling ◦ Implementation Plan Template (PDF)

◦ Sample Implementation Plan (PDF)

◦ Implementation Climate Survey (PDF)

◦ Sample Yearly Implementation Schedule (PDF)

Develop a budget Determine fiscal needs for initial and sustained implementation
Establish communication channels with key stakeholders Determine a regular schedule and mode for communicating updates and implementation status to key stakeholders
Develop an evaluation plan Decide which methods will be used to evaluate the implementation process and program outcomes ◦ See Validate Task Category
Identify roles and clarify responsibilities Determine who will fill the roles needed to implement the program successfully ◦ Building Your CLISE Support Network (PDF)

◦ Implementation Support Roles Handouts (PDF)

◦ Implementation Roles Checklist (PDF)

Verify key stakeholder readiness and commitment Ensure staff and key stakeholders are prepared to see the program through the entire implementation process
Review and revise policies and procedures Ensure existing policies and procedures align with the program’s goals, amend and add to the policies and procedures as needed, and communicate changes to staff and key stakeholders
Train the school managers Ensure that the program coach is thoroughly trained on how to use the curriculum, troubleshoot problems, and answer questions that may arise during implementation ◦ Online Training ◦Implementation Support Roles Handout: School Managers (PDF)

◦ Effective Implementation Practices (PDF)

Prepare the program materials Make sure there are enough program materials for everyone teaching and reinforcing the program, and determine how materials will be distributed and collected
Provide a program overview for staff and other key stakeholders Introduce staff and other key stakeholders to the program and its materials and resources ◦ See Motivate Task Category
Select teachers Identify teachers who are committed to the program’s goals, willing to take classroom time to use and reinforce program skills, and understand that it takes time to change behavior ◦ Building Your CLISE Support Network (PDF)

◦ Implementation Roles Checklist (PDF)

◦ Implementation Preparedness Survey (PDF)

◦ Implementation Plan Template (PDF)

Establish a teaching schedule Work with classroom teachers to determine the best blocks of time for teaching the program
Train teachers Train staff to teach the program ◦ See Train Task Category


Although initial training is important and necessary, ongoing training and coaching for everyone participating in the program—as appropriate for their role and level of involvement—will contribute most to program effectiveness and sustainability.

Task Description Resources
Provide training on program implementation Ensure that all key staff and stakeholders responsible for planning and/or coordinating program implementation participate in this training
Have staff who teach lessons and reinforce skills do the online training Ensure that staff directly involved in teaching and reinforcing the program complete the online training ◦ Online Training
Designate and train program coaches Select as coaches staff who are committed to program goals, respected by their colleagues, motivated to teach others about the program, and, if possible, experienced in teaching the program and reinforcing skills ◦Implementation Support Roles Handout: Program Coach (PDF)
Provide a program overview to support staff, parents, and other key stakeholders Introduce the program and its goals to staff and the wider community to encourage all adults in contact with students to convey the same message about the program ◦ Implementation Support Roles Handout: Other Stakeholders (PDF)

◦ Program Overview Video

◦ Program Overview PowerPoint

◦ Online Training


Support is critical to program success and includes maintaining the necessary resources, communication, peer support, feedback, and encouragement to ensure the program is well implemented.

Task Description Resources
Provide ongoing coaching Ensure all staff and key stakeholders who teach the program or reinforce skills are supported by a coach ◦ Implementation Support Roles Handout: Program Coach (PDF)
Facilitate peer support Set up a peer-support system and encourage those teaching the program to collaborate and share success stories ◦ Success Stories Log
Monitor and evaluate implementation Continually monitor and evaluate program implementation throughout the year and provide feedback to improve the process as needed ◦ See Validate Task Category
Maintain communication with key stakeholders Communicate program status and updates regularly to key stakeholders ◦ Implementation Plan Template (PDF)

◦ Sample Implementation Plan (PDF)


Collect, analyze, and report pertinent data about teaching and outcomes to demonstrate the program's effectiveness. Confirmation that the program is being taught accurately and is producing positive outcomes will help maintain motivation and guide future implementation plans.

Task Description Resources
Develop an evaluation plan Decide which methods you'll use to evaluate the implementation process and program outcomes ◦ Evaluation Guide
Monitor and evaluate the implementation process Collect program implementation data that will enable a realistic evaluation of implementation status ◦ Lesson Completion Checklists

◦ Online Training

◦ Lesson Delivery and Reinforcement Checklists

◦ Implementation Survey (PDF) ◦Lesson Reflection Log (PDF)

◦ Lesson Observation (PDF)

Evaluate program outcomes Use validated measures that will enable a realistic evaluation of program effectiveness ◦ Outcome Measures

◦ Evaluation Guide (PDF)

Share success stories Have staff and key stakeholders share success stories throughout the year ◦ Success Stories Log
Analyze and report evaluation results Analyze all collected implementation process and program outcome data, then report it to program stakeholders ◦ Evaluation Guide
Celebrate evaluation results Help renew motivation by acknowledging and celebrating the positive outcomes achieved this year
Use evaluation results to guide next year’s implementation plan Revise the existing implementation plan based on the evaluation results from the current year ◦ Implementation Plan Template (PDF)

◦ Sample Implementation Plan (PDF)


The Sustain Task Category involves taking steps to deepen, broaden, and continually improve program use over time.

Task Description Resources
Document implementation processes, roles, and responsibilities Record details of processes, roles, and responsibilities and examine the documentation for areas to improve ◦ Implementation Plan Template (PDF)

◦ Sample Implementation Plan (PDF)

Assess and address motivation needs Reinvigorate staff and key stakeholder commitment and motivation by reporting positive feedback and evaluation results ◦ See Validate Task Category
Consider ways to deepen and broaden your implementation Think about ways to integrate program skills and concepts into daily classroom activities, the regular academic curriculum, and the school culture See the Academic Integration Activities on the Unit Cards for your grade (for Primary)
Celebrate successes and acknowledge everyone’s efforts Report positive feedback and evaluation results to students, staff, administrators, district office personnel, and the wider community ◦ See Validate Task Category
Build support for broadening the implementation Continue increasing awareness of the need for the program and its benefits, in both the school and the greater community ◦ Program Overview Video

◦ Program Overview PowerPoint

◦ Primary Online Training

Seek opportunities to mentor other schools or districts implementing the program