Chương 3 - Khối 4

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Tầm quan trọng của chương học

Dạy cho học sinh rằng các con cần báo cáo các hành vi lạm dụng tình dục là điều có ý nghĩa vô cùng quan trọng. Việc tham gia vào chương trình phòng chống lạm dụng tình dục sẽ làm tăng tỷ lệ tiết lộ thông tin ở học sinh, vì vậy việc trang bị cho học sinh kỹ năng quyết đoán và kỹ năng báo cáo là rất cần thiết. Học sinh cần biết rằng mình có thể tìm kiếm sự giúp đỡ nếu đang bị lạm dụng và phải tiếp tục báo với những người xung quanh cho đến khi được giúp đỡ. Một số học sinh có thể e ngại khi kể về việc bản thân bị lạm dụng vì các con đã bị đe dọa phải giữ bí mật. Điều này khiến cho tình trạng lạm dụng tiếp tục diễn ra. Do đó, chúng ta cần giúp học sinh hiểu rằng các con không được giữ bí mật về việc bị lạm dụng.

Chương này mô tả cách hành xử thường thấy ở những người vi phạm quy tắc Các bộ phận riêng tư của cơ thể để hành vi của họ không bị phát hiện. Ví dụ, thủ phạm có thể cố gắng làm cho trẻ thích chúng bằng cách tặng quà cho trẻ. Đôi khi, chúng bắt trẻ làm những việc mà trẻ không được phép (ví dụ như xem các nội dung khiêu dâm) để trẻ sợ hãi không dám báo cáo với người lớn. Đôi khi chúng còn đe dọa để ngăn không cho trẻ báo cáo. Trước khi thực hiện hành vi lạm dụng, những kẻ này có thể lên kế hoạch kỹ càng bằng việc lựa chọn cẩn thận đối tượng mình sẽ tiếp cận, theo sau đó là các hành vi kết bạn và xây dựng lòng tin. Các đối tượng này còn có thể cố gắng xây dựng lòng tin hoặc lấy lòng những người lớn khác trong cộng đồng như Hiệu trưởng, giám đốc, nhân viên nhà trường và các cô bảo mẫu.

Tổng quan các bài học

Bài 14: Giữ an toàn cho bản thân

Học sinh học các cách để giữ an toàn và biết cách giữ an toàn cho bản thân khi ở một mình. Học sinh cũng biết được mình cần làm gì trong trường hợp khẩn cấp và thực hành áp dụng các Cách giữ an toàn.

L: “Luôn phải hỏi trước”

Students learn the importance of the Always Ask First Rule: Always ask a parent or the person in charge first before going somewhere, doing something, or accepting something from someone. Students also learn what to do if there is no one nearby to ask first and practice using the Always Ask First Rule to keep themselves safe.

Lesson 16: Unsafe and Unwanted Touches

Students learn how to identify unsafe and unwanted touches and that it's never okay for someone to touch them in a way that's unsafe or unwanted. Students also learn to pay attention to uncomfortable feelings in their bodies to help them recognize unwanted touches and practice refusing and reporting unsafe and unwanted touches.

Lesson 17: The Private Body Parts Rule

Students learn the Private Body Parts Rule and how to use the Ways to Stay Safe to respond if someone breaks it. Students also practice identifying adults they can report a broken Private Body Parts Rule to and how to refuse assertively if someone tries to break the rule.

Lesson 18: Practicing the Ways to Stay Safe

Students learn breaking the Private Body Parts Rule is wrong and that it's never their fault if someone else breaks it. Students also learn people who break the Private Body Parts Rule may do things to keep it secret, but they should never keep a broken Private Body Parts Rule secret and should keep reporting until they find an adult who will help keep them safe.

Lesson 19: Reviewing Safety Skills

Students review and practice the skills and concepts they learned during the Child Protection Unit.

Using Skills Every Day

For long-term effectiveness, the skills and concepts presented in this unit must be applied to daily activities. This provides the repetition necessary for students to make skill use automatic. The three-step process outlined below will help you reinforce students' use of personal safety skills throughout the school day.


At the beginning of the day or before activities or situations that might require using personal safety skills, have students ANTICIPATE when and how they can use these skills to stay safe. Before dismissing students at the end of the day, ask: What is one thing you can do to stay safe if you recognize an unsafe situation on your way home today? (Refuse to participate. Report what happened to my parents. Call my emergency contact.)


Notice when students use the Ways to Stay Safe and REINFORCE it with specific feedback: Yitzhak, thank you for asking first before going to your trumpet lesson with Ms. Sacks.

Model out loud for students how you use the Ways to Stay Safe: When I was walking to school today, I saw a broken street light. I wanted to cross the street anyway, but I recognized it wasn't safe. I told myself no and crossed the street at a different spot.

Remind students to use the Ways to Stay Safe: If anyone feels uncomfortable about being part of our human knot, you can refuse to participate. Just assertively say you are uncomfortable.


Have students REFLECT on when they used the Ways to Stay Safe and how it helped them stay safe: Think about the Ways to Stay Safe you used over the weekend. Refer to the Ways to Stay Safe Poster. Read each one, and after each, have students give a thumbs-up for yes if they used it during the weekend. Call on a few students at random to tell the class how they used one of the Ways to Stay Safe.

Academic Integration Activities

Agenda.png Literacy
Safety Word Map
Have students listen to the "I'm in Charge" song, then have each student write a review of the song using the following guiding questions:
  • What do you think this song is about?
  • What does being "in charge" mean?
  • How can this song help you stay safe?
Micro1.png Science
Ways to Stay Safe in Science
Before beginning a science lab, explain what activities the class will do and what equipment they will use during the lab. Have students work in small groups to think of anything potentially unsafe that could happen during the lab. Have each group create a plan describing how they will use the Ways to Stay Safe to keep themselves safe during the lab. Have each group tell the class their plan, and write the best ideas down on a sheet of chart paper. Post this where students can see it so they can use it to help keep themselves safe during the lab.
Plane.png Social Studies
Family Safety Plan Comparison
Divide the class into groups of four. Have each student interview the other students in his or her group about what safety rules their family has at home. After they're done, have each student write a short comparison of how different families stay safe. Then students can identify one idea they heard in their interviews about how to stay safe that they would like to introduce to their own family.
Easel1.png Fine Arts
Ways to Stay Safe Symbol
Say: 'Symbols are simple images that remind us of something important. There are many symbols to help us keep ourselves safe. Have the class think of a list of common symbols that help remind them to stay safe (Stop signs. Fire exit signs. Movie rating symbols.) Show examples of common safety symbols, or have students investigate symbols using the Internet. Next, have each student pick one of the Ways to Stay Safe and create a symbol to represent that rule. Display everyone's symbols for other classes to see.
Basketball.png Physical Education
Looking Out for Your Buddy
Randomly place students in groups of two. Try to avoid having students who are already good buddies work together. Before taking students to another classroom, say: Today you'll work with your buddy to make it safely to our next class. Before we begin, pick which of you will be Buddy A and which will be Buddy B.

- With eyes closed, Buddy A will place his or her left hand on Buddy B’s right shoulder. - Buddy B: It’s your job to lead your partner safely while we move through the school without talking. - When we return to class, the two of you will switch roles. When you return to class, talk with students about how it felt to be blindfolded and rely on a buddy to keep them safe, and how it felt to be responsible for their buddy’s safety. Discuss the importance of having a buddy to keep you safe when you're on your own. To increase the challenge of this activity, take a different route between classes than students expect. Discuss with students what it felt like to be led somewhere unexpected by their buddy.