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Nearly everyone in a school community has a role in quality program implementation - not just classroom teachers. Great results from a CLISE implementation are more likely when there's strong leadership and full support from administrators, staff, and families.

School Managers

Research identifies school managers’ support as the single most important factor in the success of social-emotional learning programs and establishes strong connections between school managers’ behavior and attitudes toward the program and the quality of teachers’ presentation.

Lesson Teacher

Research consistently shows using a program as it was designed to be used produces greater outcomes. People teaching lessons in the classroom (classroom teachers, counselors, school psychologists, etc.) ultimately determine how well it's taught and how often skills are reinforced and opportunities for skill practice are provided.

All Implementation Roles

Roles members of the school community typically play in program implementation are listed below, along with description of responsibilities for each one. One person might fulfill multiple roles. The role of the classroom teacher is best described in the Online Training.

Program Coordinator

The program coordinator fulfills two roles: coordinator and evaluator.

Program Coordinator
A system-level coordinator plans, coordinates, and supports effective implementation.


As program coordinator, you oversee the program implementation process. You may be knowledgeable about the requirements for teaching a social-emotional skills program.

Why This Role Matters

As program coordinator, you will help ensure the program’s smooth functioning and sustainability. Having a designated program coordinator is a cornerstone of successful program implementation. During times of waning motivation and administrative changes - when you may also need to act as the program’s champion - your role is especially critical.

Your Responsibilities

As program coordinator, your main responsibility is to coordinate all the details of planning, supporting, and monitoring program implementation throughout the process. To be successful, you should have a thorough understanding of the entire program. This involves reading through and previewing all the components of the curriculum. Other responsibilities may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Working with the school managers to secure the necessary resources
  • Establishing a teaching, training, and coaching schedule
  • Ensuring that all teachers delivering the program are familiar with how to teach and reinforce it
  • Helping teachers integrate lesson skills and concepts into other academic areas
  • Creating a broad sense of program ownership by encouraging all teachers and staff to take part in decision-making
Program Evaluator
Evaluating program processes and outcomes is important for informing implementation planning and fostering sustainability.

Program evaluators collect, analyze, and summarize the data for a variety of stakeholder groups.


As program evaluator, you are in charge of monitoring and assessing program implementation in order to both guide management of the program and to build support for sustaining implementation.

Why This Role Matters

The feedback you provide as the program evaluator motivates those involved to sustain and improve program implementation. The data you collect and analyze also provide measures of accountability to district, community, and federal officials. This is becoming more necessary as schools are increasingly being held accountable for demonstrating effective use of funding.

Your Responsibilities

As program evaluator, you are responsible for documenting program effects, so all stakeholders know how well the program is functioning in their school. The information gained can provide practical benchmarks and identify opportunities for future improvement. Often working closely with the school managers, you can accomplish this in variety of ways including, but not limited to, the following:

  • Creating an evaluation plan along with the building administrator and/or district-level staff
  • Selecting process and outcome evaluation measures
  • Determining evaluation methods
  • Arranging for teachers to monitor and document lesson delivery and reinforcement
  • Administering surveys to students and staff
  • Observing and assessing lesson delivery and reinforcement
  • Tracking discipline referrals and other archival data
  • Setting realistic expectations for program outcomes and communicating them to the school community. It typically takes one to three years for positive results to be realized.
  • Reporting evaluation results and helping stakeholders interpret the results and use them to inform the next year’s implementation.

School Manager

The School Manager fulfills two roles: administrator and program champion.

A considerable amount of research identifies administrator support as the single most important factor in the success of skills-based programs.

The research establishes strong connections between administrators’ behavior and attitude toward the program and teacher’s implementation quality.


As the principal or vice-principal in charge of the program, you provide the leadership and support that allows for successful program implementation. You may also occupy the role of program coach, program evaluator.

Why This Role Matters

Effective, sustained program implementation is most likely when you successfully motivate your staff to invest in the program for the long term. Ideally a key objective of your role is to embed the program into the school’s culture, in order to sustain the implementation over time.

Your Responsibilities

As administrator, your main responsibility is to motivate staff and other key stakeholders. You should demonstrate a visible commitment to the program and actively participate in and reinforce its implementation. You can accomplish this in variety of ways, including, but not limited to, the following:

  • Securing initial and additional funding
  • Obtaining widespread support for program implementation
  • Communicating to key stakeholders an alignment between the school vision and mission and program goals
  • Encouraging staff to take ownership of the program by involving them in decision-making
  • Ensuring that new staff are trained in the program
  • Allocating staff time and resources for initial and ongoing training, lesson preparation, and infusing program goals into the academic curriculum
  • Setting expectations of accountability
  • Modeling program skills and using program vocabulary to convey to staff that everyone in the building uses the program
  • Promoting a positive social climate that reinforces norms for behavior throughout the building
  • Continually communicating with the school and wider community about the goals and outcomes of the program
Program Champion
A program champion increases program participation and helps sustain motivation, both significant factors that contribute to program success.


As program champion, you strongly believe the program can have a positive effect on students’ lives and take an active role to make that happen.

Why This Role Matters

As program champion, you believe in the program because you have personally experienced its results. Your excitement for the potential and/or realized outcomes of the program motivates others to become more deeply involved in its implementation. You help keep the program going through periods of waning motivation and changes in staff.

Your Responsibilities

As program champion, your responsibilities are varied and flexible. Your primary responsibility is to provide the “spark” needed to generate and maintain the motivation to sustain program implementation. You can do this by sharing your positive experiences with the program with other key stakeholders. Your responsibilities include, but not limited to, the following:

  • Taking an active role in securing initial and continued funding by writing grants
  • Helping plan the implementation
  • Encouraging others to share in the ownership of the implementation
  • Helping teachers apply the program’s goals to the broader curriculum
  • Teaching and reinforcing program skills and concepts
  • Making new administrators and staff aware of the importance of sustaining program implementation

Program Coach

Program Coach
Ongoing support with performance feedback delivered by knowledgeable coaches has been shown to greatly

improve implementation fidelity and success. These are important factors in achieving program sustainability.


As program coach, you are the in-house staff member available to provide ongoing program support to other staff members. Ideally, you are thoroughly trained in not only how to teach the program, but also in how to support other staff members in teaching the program. You may be one of a number of coaches, as it can be a substantial responsibility. You may be experienced and comfortable with the program and respected by other staff members. Most importantly, you are committed to the goals of the program and interested in helping others learn how to teach the program well.

Why This Role Matters

The ongoing support that you provide as the program coach encourages teachers and staff to maintain implementation. Continued performance feedback and education about the program is essential for motivating teachers and staff.

Your Responsibilities

As program coach, your main responsibility is to provide ongoing program support for teachers and staff. Related responsibilities may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Observing teachers in action, then offering suggestions that will enhance lesson delivery and skill reinforcement
  • Helping troubleshoot problems
  • Acting as a central source of information and support for the program
  • Reminding teachers and staff of the reasons they are using the program

Other Stakeholders

Other Stakeholders
From parents to school board members, there are many other stakeholders who can influence effective, sustained program implementation.


There are many other adults in the school and wider community who can help support program implementation. This may include special-subjects teachers, paraprofessionals, support staff, parents and caregivers, extended families and friends, program advocates, school board members, and employees of after-school programs and community centers.

Why This Role Matters

Since you are an adult in regular contact with students, your knowledge of the program and involvement with it will help the school’s overall effort to create a safe, respectful learning environment.

Your Responsibilities

All of the adults who come in contact with students on a consistent basis act as role models and have the opportunity to reinforce program skills. When you learn the skills taught in the program, you contribute to creating a more consistent approach to students’ social-emotional education. You can help support the program by:

  • Becoming knowledgeable about the program and its goals (for example, by attending a program open house)
  • Reading about the goals of the program
  • Learning and modeling program skills
  • Encouraging students to use program skills outside of the classroom and school
  • Helping students complete the Home Link component of the program
  • Signing up to be on a mailing list to receive email updates on the skills currently being taught
  • Joining an implementation committee or team if it exists

System-Level Support

System-Level Support
System-level support is integral to effective program implementation at the system level.

It may be vital in facilitating access to program materials and ensuring continued funding, both key features of program sustainability.


System-level support may come from any personnel who are committed to successful program implementation, such as the CEO, Deputy-CEO of Academic Matters, Director of curricula.

Why This Role Matters

System-level support often plays a crucial role in securing the funds and multilevel support needed for successful implementation.

Your Responsibilities

System-level support may include, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Facilitating and coordinating access to program materials
  • Helping build consensus among stakeholders at all levels in support of the program
  • Securing initial and ongoing funding for sustained implementation
  • Communicating to key stakeholders the alignment between the system and school’s vision and priorities, and program goals
  • Integrating the program into existing school and system improvement efforts
  • Allocating system resources toward sustained program implementation
  • Creating a long-term plan for systemwide program implementation