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Logic Model

Primary logic model.png

Review of research

The Program Promotes
  • School success
  • School connectedness
  • Safe and respectful school climate
By directly teaching students the skills that strengthen their ability to:

• Learn -----------------• Manage emotions

• Have empathy --------• Solve problems

Skills for Learning
  • Students who can self-regulate are better able to participate in and benefit from classroom instruction.
  • The program promotes development of students’ self-regulation skills. It provides practice through games for Kindergarten– Grade 3 and through instruction in skills for learning across all grades.
  • Skills for learning are necessary for having empathy, managing emotions, and solving problems. The skills for learning are woven into all units.
  • Being able to feel or understand what another person is feeling prepares students to manage their own strong emotions and solve interpersonal problems with others.
  • The program teaches students skills for identifying emotions in themselves and others, labeling these emotions, and taking the perspectives of others.
  • These skills are the basis for helpful and socially responsible behavior. Having empathy is also related to academic success.1,
Emotion Management
  • Students who can recognize strong emotions and calm down cope better and are less prone to aggressive behaviors.
  • The program teaches students proactive strategies that help prevent strong emotions from escalating into negative behaviors.
  • Calm students are better able to use other skills, such as problem solving, to help them get along better with others and make good choices.
Problem Solving
  • Students who can solve interpersonal conflicts with peers are less likely to engage in impulsive or aggressive behaviors.
  • The program teaches students to use four Problem-Solving Steps after calming down.
  • Creating a neutral problem statement, generating safe and respectful solutions, and evaluating the consequences of these solutions steers students toward selecting prosocial solutions.
The CLISE Program Prevents

• Problem behaviors ------------• Antisocial behavior

• Peer rejection -----------------• Low academic achievement

• Impulsivity

By developing students’:
  • Self-regulation skills
  • Social-emotional competencies
  • School connectedness

🔎 See more: Full Review of research

Alignment with CASEL’s competencies

The following illustrates how the evidence-based CLISE program elements align with CASEL’s core social-emotional learning (SEL) competencies. Note the considerable overlap across CASEL’s core SEL competencies. This reflects how self-regulation and social-emotional skills are built across the primary CLISE curriculum.

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What Is CASEL?

Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) is the nation’s leading organization advancing the development of academic, social, and emotional competence for all students. Their mission is to help make evidence-based social-emotional learning an integral part of education from preschool through high school. To that end, CASEL has identified five interrelated SEL core competencies: self-management, self-awareness, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making.

How does the CLISE program develop Core SEL Competencies?

Program Element Key Skill(s) Developed CASEL Core SEL


Brain Builder Games (1–3) Executive-function skills Self-Management
Skills for Learning • Focus attention

• Listen with attention

• Identify and use self-talk

• Be assertive

• Remember directions

• Stay on task

• Ignore distractions

• Self-Management

• Self-Awareness

Empathy • Identify and understand one’s own and others’ feelings

• Build vocabulary of feelings words

• Begin to take others’ perspectives

• Listen to others

• Have empathy

• Show compassion

• Relationship Skills

• Responsible Decision-Making

• Self-Awareness

• Social Awareness

Emotion Management • Identify and understand one’s own feelings

• Recognize strong feelings

• Calm down strong feelings

• Use the Ways to Calm Down

• Responsible Decision-Making

• Self-Awareness

• Self-Management

Problem Solving • Friendship skills

• Calm down before solving problems

• Describe the problem

• Think of many solutions

• Explore the consequences of the solutions

• Pick the best solution

• Relationship Skills

• Responsible Decision-Making

• Social Awareness