Gắn kết nhân viên/ Employee engagement

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Teambuilding events and activities
• Series of activities and events celebrating Vinschool’s anniversary

• Company trip for fulltime employees and teachers

• Welcome activities for new employees and teachers

• Celebrating activities for Teacher’s Day, New Year, etc

• Appreciation event for employees and teachers who have been working at Vinschool for every three years


Working environment improvement has always been prioritized in Vinschool’s human resources operations. Some highlights of which are:

  • Plan for improving the working environment: after each periodic working environment survey, the School Managers and heads of HO divisions/departments shall work together to draw up a plan for working environment improvement, based on the employees’ survey feedback and responses;
  • Face-to-face meetings with managers system wide: at the end of each academic year, the Human Resources Department will organize 1:1 meetings with managers across the system to address the bottlenecks, difficulties or outstanding challenges. Then, supporting and problem-solving plans will be made to avoid problematic repetition in the next academic year.
  • Periodic meetings with employees: each month, the Human Resources will schedule meetings with employees and teachers at schools to listen to their thoughts and expectations about work and the working environment. These meetings are an opportunity for the Human Resources Department to solve employees’ concerns about the Company’s policies, procedures and regulations.
  • System-wide inspiring conferences: on average, the Company’s Leadership will hold inspiring conferences or Townhall meetings once every semester to share and communicate the system directions to the employees. The Leadership will also listen to the employees’ proposals and solve their concerns.