Hoạch định nguồn nhân lực/ Talent resources planning

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Purpose of the Positions Catalogue: to address the positions required in the system and their levels, thus forming a basis for headcount plans, organizational chart and job descriptions.

The Positions catalogue helps employees to fully understand their positions as well as career development paths to strive to higher levels.


Headcount refers to the act of identifying the workloads and time needed to complete certain tasks, based on the Company’s business plans and development strategies, thereby coming up with the required number of employees.

Headcount plays a crucial role in human resources strategies, which must be built on the Company strategies. Headcount provides the Company with a clear picture on how to operate more effectively and recruitment and training grounds to meet its demands on human resources.

  • Headcount serves as a basis for:
    • Development of talent acquisition and training strategies and plans to meet the Company’s operation and development needs
    • Human resources-related decision making, including appointments, dismissals, transfers, and replacements
    • Evaluation of employees’ productivity
    • Cost optimization and improvement of human resources efficiency
  • Rules for headcount planning:
    • Headcount for teachers – At schools:
      • Based on enrollment plans and slots
      • Based on the teaching workloads, including teaching programs and numbers of classes
      • Based on the productivity of teachers (number of classes per teacher or number of lessons per teacher)
    • Headcount of supporting positions – At schools:
      • Based on the number of students at schools
      • Based on employee productivity
      • For managers: based on the number of employees in the teams/departments
    • Headcount at the Head Office (HO):
      • Based on numbers of students and employees in the system
      • Based on employee productivity
  • Rules for headcount review:
    • Review frequency
      • At least once per year in the middle of the school year
    • Review method:
      • Focus on reviewing two crucial factors in headcount planning: workload and productivity
      • For workload: compare the actual number of students to that used in headcount planning; review the tasks to be performed
      • For productivity: compare the actual productivity to the standards; in addition, observe the way job holders carry out the tasks to verify whether the productivity is optimal.
    • Person in charge of review:
      • Managers of schools and departments who are responsible for reviewing the headcounts of their schools and departments (Round 1)
      • Human Resources Department and Finance Department work together to make a system-wide review (Round 2).


Organizational chart represents the structure of an organization and the relationships between and levels of its positions/departments.

Looking at the Organizational chart, employees can tell what role they play in the system, who their manager is, and who they need to report to. In addition, employees can understand the functions and missions of each department and person in charge of each section of any department and the Company, thus enabling effective cooperation.

Through the organization chart, evaluation of consistency between actual internal resources and the Company’s planned goals and strategies can be made. Hence, managers of the Company shall be able to see the roles, impacts, and contributions of all departments and their suitability for the Company’s strategy.


  • When making the organizational chart, new schools should refer to those of established ones with similar sections and scales, as they have been proven as optimal ones through many appraisals and reviews
  • Upon any headcount change, the managers in charge are advised to actively update the organizational chart accordingly

Convention on work level formatting on VSC organizational chart:


Job description forms a basis for employees to fully understand the goals, functions, missions, job requirements, rights, and responsibilities of their positions.

The Job Description is not only a work commitment between the employees and managers, but also the basis to guide employees to work properly, contributing to the plan fulfillment of the teams/departments in particular and the Company in general.

  • Roles of the Job description:
    • In talent acquisition, including the making of recruitment advertisements: serves as a basis for evaluation of candidates’ suitability
    • In training: based on the job description, managers and the Training Department can draw up training plans for the employees to ensure that they are equipped with sufficient knowledge and skills to perform the required tasks
    • In performance evaluation: job description is a crucial basis for evaluation of each employee’s performance.