Tính lương/ Payroll

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Time & attendance record refers to the act of declaring your presence at work and the times of arrival and leave. With time attendance data, the Company and related units can capture the actual work hours as well as numbers of work days and absence days of each employee.
Vinschool’s method for time & attendance record
Vinschool is currently using fingerprints for check-in and check-out. The time attendance machines will be installed at the office entrance or certain spots at campuses to facilitate employees’ check-in and check-out upon their arrivals and leaves.
How to check in and check out
Time & attendance record method: The system records employees’ actual working hours based on their check-in and check-out data. Therefore, to have their working time recorded, employees must strictly follow the regulations and use their fingerprints for check-in and check-out. Late arrivals, early leave, annual leave, etc. require approvals on the I Love Vingroup app (For more details about annual leave requests, kindly see Part 9 => Human Resources Section => I Love Vingroup app).
Main salary
Pay cycle:  the salary is calculated from the 26th of a month through the 25th of the next month.

Payment date: employees will be paid on the last day of a month. In case the last day of a month is a Saturday or Sunday, employees will be paid on the Friday before.

Payment method: The Company will transfer the amount of salary to the employees’ bank accounts. The employees are responsible for providing the Administration Department at campuses with their bank account number before the payment date to receive their salary in such month. In case the employees’ bank account numbers are provided after the payment date, employees’ salary for such month will be paid on the 10th or 20th of the month or the payment date of the next cycle.

Payment method and salary calculation principle:

  • Trả lương theo thời gian/ Payment by time:
    • Công thức tính/ Formula:
Chấm lương expat.png

In which:

Allowance is an extra payment for employees taking charge of other assignments with approval of the Leaders;

Types of allowance for Teachers/ Heads of Grades/ Heads of Subjects include:

  1. Homeroom allowance: shall be accounted for compulsory social insurance;
  2. Allowance for Heads of Subjects/Heads of Grades;
  3. Allowance for coordinators of new subjects.

Other receivables include bonuses for event periods, lunch observation allowance, etc.

Other payables include arrears, penalties for violations, deduction of payables in advance, arrears regarding health insurance cards, etc.

Other extra payments apart from salary
  • Applicable to: employees working at the campus-level or admission events, teachers participating in extra classes for outstanding students, etc.
  • These extra payments are usually paid on the 10th, 20th, or 30th each month. These are not regular or fixed amounts of income. Extra payment amounts will be made separately and be put on one-off income in a month for personal income calculation.
  • For further instructions in extra payment amounts, please click here.
  • For information about the process for making extra payments, please click here.