Tiến trình thực hiện Đánh giá hiệu quả công việc/ Process of work efficiency evaluation

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Target setting and assignment
  • Before a new academic year, leaders of schools/departments set the targets/KPIs for their schools/departments, making sure that they are aligned with the Company’s targets/KPIs and challenging enough for the schools/departments to create their differences.
  • After the targets/KPIs of the schools/departments are approved, leaders of the schools/departments shall establish the targets for each position
  • Competent leaders approve the KPIs of the units/departments/individuals under their management.
Evaluation implementation
Evaluation cycle: Evaluation will be periodically carried out every six months, on December 31 and June 30.
  • Managers/Leaders:
    • 360o evaluation: will be carried out by Vingroup or the Human Resources Department, depending on the Managers’ levels
      • Evaluation criteria: “Leadership Qualifications” and “Leadership Competencies” in the Requirements and Competency Evaluation for Managers.
      • Persons evaluating the Managers will be their superiors, peers, and subordinates. The minimum number of persons evaluating a Manager in one cycle is three.
      • The results of this 360 assessment will be notified to each employee for periodic performance evaluation.
    • Work efficiency evaluation: Managers/Leaders shall make self-evaluation of their work efficiency in the “Requirements and competency evaluation for Managers” and will be evaluated by higher levels according to the evaluation process.
  • Teachers:
  • Employees:
    • Subjects: individuals in positions that do not involve direct teaching, or teaching managers (Heads of Subjects/Heads of Grades) who have worked for more than 50% of the time of an evaluation cycle.
    • Evaluation criteria will be established periodically based on the KPIs of each position as per the Employee evaluation template.