Thủ tục khi kết thúc hợp đồng/ Exit procedures

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Exiting employees shall handover their works to the assigned individuals, using the Work Handover Minutes template. Team leaders and managers are responsible for ensuring explicit and efficient handover process.

Employees need to contact departments and divisions responsible for receiving the handover to carry out the tasks according to the Work Handover Minutes, including the handover of professional works and documents, computer data, fingerprint on the system for entering/exiting the workplace, email address, books and other teaching materials (if any), confirmation of unsettled advance payment(s), return of supplies and equipment (keys, computer, uniform, etc.), etc.

The person receiving the handover or confirming the handover details shall be responsible for the exiting employee’s handover. In case of inadequate handover, causing asset loss or uncollectible accounts, such person shall bear the responsibility for compensation according to the regulations on material liabilities.

Once completed, the Work Handover Minutes need to be sent to the Human Resources Department.

The purpose of the Labor Contract Liquidation/Termination Agreement is to terminate all contract obligations once the liquidation or termination agreement takes effect.

The Human Resources Department shall be responsible for preparing the Labor Contract Liquidation/Termination Agreement for exiting employees, then submitting it to the managers for approval. The exiting employees need to sign two originals of the Labor Contract Liquidation/Termination Agreement; The Human Resources Department and exiting employees shall keep one original signed by both parties each. After receiving one original with the exiting employees’ signature, the Human Resources Department shall inform such employees of the time for settlement (if any).


The Human Resources Department shall prepare an Employment Confirmation Letter for all exiting employees and send them one original with manager’s signature and Vinschool’s stamp within the two weeks before the last working day of the school year.


In case the exiting foreign employees/teachers having a valid Vietnam temporary residence card, yet no plan for immediate exit of Vietnam (continue to stay in Vietnam instead) after the labor contract expires, they are required to handover the documents according to the requirements of the Immigration Office to the Human Resources Department for exit visa application.

The list of required documents includes:

  • Original passport
  • Original temporary residence card
  • Confirmation of the validity of temporary residence card
  • The procedure for applying for exit visa will be completed within 15 days from the day the Human Resources Department receives all documents. The validity of exit visa will last from 15 to 30 days, depending on the approval result of the Immigration Office).

According to the regulations on immigration of foreigners, after terminating the labor contract with a company/enterprise in Vietnam, the foreigners are required to make arrangement to exit Vietnam.

Compensation & Benefit Team, Human Resources & Recruitment Department shall calculate the allowances, discounts, and payables (if any), severance allowance, and receivables (if any).

The Human Resources Department shall be responsible for settling the employees’ receivables on time within 30 days after the last working day according to the Labor Law and other agreement between both parties (if any).

Final payments include:

  • Salary according to the Labor Contract as of the termination date of the contract (based on actual working day)
  • Number of unused annual leave as of the termination date of the labor contract
  • Flight ticket by the end of the contract (if the employees meet the requirements)
  • Severance allowance by termination date of the labor contract.