Ra quyết định tuyển dụng/Hiring progress

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Hiring process means the process of considering and checking the references to decide to recruit a certain candidate.

Reference means the sources of information helping the recruiter to verify the capabilities and experience stated in the candidates’ application. References are collected from the referrers, who have clear understanding about the candidates’ competency and working process. Referrers are former colleagues, line managers, company managers, etc. who used to work with the candidates in a certain period of time.

Employment offers are subject to verification of qualifications (degree, certifications), professional experience (references), criminal background check and issuance of a visa and working permit for Vietnam.

At Vinschool, the Human Resources Department collects the references from two sources:

  • Passive reference: means the use of information about referrers available in candidates’ applications.
  • Independent reference: means the use of information gathered from other networks. These networks include the people who used to work with or knew the candidates but were not mentioned in the applications. They are also considered as referrers to verify the capabilities and experience that the candidates provided.

Offer letter is a written announcement of candidates’ passing the interview/demo class and getting recruited into Vinschool. This letter is usually sent by the Expat Human Resources Department or the Human Resources Officer in charge. Candidates passing the interview/ demo class, meeting the recruitment standards, and having good references will receive the offer letter.

The Offer letter for Expats working at Vinschool will be written in English, stating all the details regarding working location, contract duration, working hours, benefit policy, and documents required to follow the legal procedure in Vietnam (see the Sample for Offer letter). Offer letter is an integral part of the Vinschool’s Labor Contract (see Part 7.1 Contract).

In case the candidates accept the offer letter, the Human Resources Department will provide them with the instructions for the next steps (see Part 2. Onboarding integration). This Offer letter will be stored together with the candidates’ documents.

In case the candidates refuse the offer letter, it shall mean that both parties fail to meet a working agreement. The letter will be terminated at once.

This refers to the process of document and paperwork preparation starting from candidates’ acceptance of the Offer letter to their first day onboarding at Vinschool. This process is carried out, instructed, and supervised by the Expat Human Resources Department or the specialized officers. In this process, the newly-recruited expats can get to know the Human Resources Officer in charge and receive detailed instructions. Therefore, they can start preparing the legal documents (see Part 2.1. Welcome and onboarding instructions for more information), travel plan and initial understandings of Vietnamese habits, practices and Vinschool’s corporate culture.