Phản hồi đánh giá công việc/ Response to work evaluation results

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As work evaluation helps to inform an employee’s performance reflection, some subjective feedback may cause the employees to have significant concerns and negative reactions. Whereas, Evaluated Person’s response refers to the process for informing the employees about their task fulfillment and getting their responses to the feedback. Since all opinions are considered objective, the employees are advised to listen and give responses without negative expressions and improve their work quality in the future.

Ways to response to evaluation feedback :

  • Employees/ Leaders shall refer to the goals, expected results and/or desired behaviors for the employees.  
  • Leaders identify what the employees are working on, describe what they should do, and emphasize the importance of the tasks and expected results and behaviors.
  • Leaders give feedback on employees’ productivity and the reasons.
  • Employees respond to and explain and express their personal opinions about the Leaders’ evaluation on their performance.
  • Leaders listen to employees’ responses and give advice/ opinions.
  • Confirm that the employees have been informed of the evaluations and given responses (in case of disagreement).