Các phương pháp đào tạo, phát triển nhân viên/ Employee training and development methods: Difference between revisions

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Để giúp CBNV hiểu rõ hơn về công việc, nắm vững yêu cầu, tiêu chuẩn công việc của mình cũng như nâng cao năng lực thực hiện công việc thì đào tạo là một hoạt động quan trọng, cần phải tập trung triển khai.

''To help employees better understand their tasks, work requirements and standards and improve their competencies, training is a crucial activity requiring a strong focus on implementation.''
''To help employees better understand their tasks, work requirements and standards and improve their competencies, training is a crucial activity requiring a strong focus on implementation.''
Tùy vào đối tượng, nhu cầu đào tạo mà công ty, bộ phận sẽ lựa chọn phương thức đào tạo phù hợp.

''Depending on the learners and training needs, the Company or department shall select the appropriate training method.''
''Depending on the learners and training needs, the Company or department shall select the appropriate training method.''
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<span class="heading" style="display: inline-block; height: 2rem; line-height: 2rem; padding-left: .5rem; padding-right: 1rem; margin: .6rem 0; border-radius: 0 1rem 1rem 0; background-color: #d59622; color:#FFFFFF; font-size: 14px;">'''ĐÀO TẠO TẬP TRUNG NGOÀI CÔNG VIỆC/ ''OFF-JOB COLLECTIVE TRAINING'''''</span></div>Đây là phương pháp đào tạo lý thuyết mà người học được cung cấp các thông tin, kiến thức, kỹ năng cần thiết phục vụ công việc. Có các loại đào tạo tập trung ngoài công việc như sau:
<span class="heading" style="display: inline-block; height: 2rem; line-height: 2rem; padding-left: .5rem; padding-right: 1rem; margin: .6rem 0; border-radius: 0 1rem 1rem 0; background-color: #d59622; color:#FFFFFF; font-size: 14px;">'''OFF-JOB COLLECTIVE TRAINING'''</span></div>This method focuses on theory training, in which the learners are provided with information, knowledge, and skills required to do the job. Different types of off-job collective training include:
''This method focuses on theory training, in which the learners are provided with information, knowledge, and skills required to do the job. Different types of off-job collective training include:''
*Đào tạo nội bộ/''Internal training'':
Đây là hình thức đào tạo tập trung do giảng viên nội bộ đứng lớp. Giảng viên nội bộ có thể là giảng viên chuyên trách hoặc các CBLĐ chịu trách nhiệm giảng dạy.
''This is a collective training method carried out by an internal trainer. Internal trainers are specialized teachers or employees in charge of teaching/training tasks.''
Các nội dung đào tạo nội bộ thường gặp là: Định hướng, văn hóa, hội nhập, Quy định nội bộ chung, Kỹ năng chuyên môn
''The most frequent internal training contents include directions, cultures, integration, internal rules and regulations, professional skills.''
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*Đào tạo thuê ngoài/ ''Outsourced training'':
Đây là hình thức đào tạo tập trung mà giảng viên là các chuyên gia hoặc tổ chức đào tạo thuê ngoài.
''This is a collective training method, in which the trainers are outsourced external experts or training organizations.''
Các nội dung đào tạo thuê ngoài thường là về cập nhật các kiến thức, kỹ năng mới từ các tổ chức/chuyên gia hàng đầu.
''Outsourced training contents are usually updates on new knowledge and skills from leading organizations/experts''
<br />
*Cử đi học cấp chứng chỉ/ chứng nhận/ A''ssigning staffs to degree/certificate granting courses'':
Đây là hình thức đào tạo dành cho các cá nhân được yêu cầu nghiệp vụ đặc thù cần bổ sung để đáp ứng nhu cầu công việc hoặc để nâng cao nghiệp vụ.
''This training method is for individuals required to acquire additional specialized competence to meet the job demands or improve their expertise.''

*Internal training: This is a collective training method carried out by an internal trainer. Internal trainers are specialized teachers or employees in charge of teaching/training tasks.

CBNV sẽ chủ động đăng ký học một khóa học bên ngoài và nộp chứng chỉ/chứng nhận hoàn thành khóa học cho công ty.
The most frequent internal training contents include directions, cultures, integration, internal rules and regulations, professional skills.  

''Employees will actively register for an external course and submit the degree/certification of course completion to the Company.''
*Outsourced training: This is a collective training method, in which the trainers are outsourced external experts or training organizations.

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Outsourced training contents are usually updates on new knowledge and skills from leading organizations/experts<br />

*Tham gia hội nghị, hội thảo/ ''Participation in conferences/workshop:''
*Assigning staffs to degree/certificate granting courses: This training method is for individuals required to acquire additional specialized competence to meet the job demands or improve their expertise.

Các hội nghị, hội thảo trong nước hoặc quốc tế mà CBNV được cử đi nhằm mục đích tiếp cận xu thế mới trong ngành hoặc tham khảo học hỏi từ các chuyên gia.
Employees will actively register for an external course and submit the degree/certification of course completion to the Company.

''Employees may be assigned to attend local or international conferences to get to know new trends in the industry or learn from the experts.''
*Participation in conferences/workshop: Employees may be assigned to attend local or international conferences to get to know new trends in the industry or learn from the experts.
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<span class="heading" style="display: inline-block; height: 2rem; line-height: 2rem; padding-left: .5rem; padding-right: 1rem; margin: .6rem 0; border-radius: 0 1rem 1rem 0; background-color: #d59622; color:#FFFFFF; font-size: 14px;">'''ĐÀO TẠO TRONG CÔNG VIỆC/ ''ON-JOB TRAINING - OJT'''''</span></div>Đây là phương pháp đào tạo trực tiếp trong công việc, người học sẽ học được những kiến thức, kỹ năng cần thiết trong công việc thông qua thực hiện công việc dưới sự hướng dẫn, kèm cặp của CBLĐ trực tiếp hoặc một CBNV có thâm niên và kinh nghiệm làm việc.
<span class="heading" style="display: inline-block; height: 2rem; line-height: 2rem; padding-left: .5rem; padding-right: 1rem; margin: .6rem 0; border-radius: 0 1rem 1rem 0; background-color: #d59622; color:#FFFFFF; font-size: 14px;">'''ON-JOB TRAINING - OJT'''</span></div>Through this on-job training method, the learners will be able to acquire essential knowledge and skills for the job, by performing the tasks under the instructions and coaching of their line managers or another experienced employee.
''Through this on-job training method, the learners will be able to acquire essential knowledge and skills for the job, by performing the tasks under the instructions and coaching of their line managers or another experienced employee.''

Contents to be delivered through OJT are practical tasks applicable to the common labor departments, such as Housekeeping, Technician, Security, Kitchen, etc.
Các nội dung nên đào tạo OJT là các nội dung công việc có tính chất thực hành, có thể áp dụng với các bộ phận lao động phổ thông như: Housekeeping, kỹ thuật, bảo vệ, bếp…
''Contents to be delivered through OJT are practical tasks applicable to the common labor departments, such as Housekeeping, Technician, Security, Kitchen, etc.''

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<span class="heading" style="display: inline-block; height: 2rem; line-height: 2rem; padding-left: .5rem; padding-right: 1rem; margin: .6rem 0; border-radius: 0 1rem 1rem 0; background-color: #d59622; color:#FFFFFF; font-size: 14px;">'''QUAN SÁT, DỰ GIỜ LỚP HỌC VÀ PHẢN HỒI/ ''CLASSROOM OBSERVATION AND FEEDBACK'''''</span></div>Đây là hình thức đào tạo trong công việc, thường được sử dụng phổ biến trong lĩnh vực giáo dục với đối tượng hướng đến là các giáo viên. Qua việc quan sát, dự giờ lớp học và đưa ra phản hồi, cả người dự giờ và giáo viên được dự giờ đều rút ra được bài học bổ ích để cải thiện chất lượng giảng dạy.
<span class="heading" style="display: inline-block; height: 2rem; line-height: 2rem; padding-left: .5rem; padding-right: 1rem; margin: .6rem 0; border-radius: 0 1rem 1rem 0; background-color: #d59622; color:#FFFFFF; font-size: 14px;">'''CLASSROOM OBSERVATION AND FEEDBACK'''</span></div>This on-job training method is commonly adopted in the education field and focus on teachers. Through class observation and feedback, both observers and observed teachers can draw valuable lessons to improve their teaching quality. <br />
''This on-job training method is commonly adopted in the education field and focus on teachers. Through class observation and feedback, both observers and observed teachers can draw valuable lessons to improve their teaching quality.'' <br />
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<span class="heading" style="display: inline-block; height: 2rem; line-height: 2rem; padding-left: .5rem; padding-right: 1rem; margin: .6rem 0; border-radius: 0 1rem 1rem 0; background-color: #d59622; color:#FFFFFF; font-size: 14px;">'''HUẤN LUYỆN, KÈM CẶP/ ''COACHING'''''</span></div>
Đây là hình thức đào tạo gắn với công việc thực tế của CBNV, thường được sử dụng để phát triển nhân viên, đào tạo cán bộ nguồn, đội ngũ kế thừa.
''This training method is closely linked to employees’ actual tasks and usually used for the development of employees, potential executives/managers and successors.''
''This training method is closely linked to employees’ actual tasks and usually used for the development of employees, potential executives/managers and successors.''
CBNV có thể lựa chọn người huấn luyện kèm cặp cho mình là các CBLĐ trực tiếp, hoặc một  CBLĐ khác trong tổ chức hoặc một cố vấn ngoài tổ chức mà có các năng lực hỗ trợ sự phát triển trong nghề nghiệp của CBNV

''Employees can select a coach for them. This person can be their line manager, another internal manager, or an external consultant having suitable competencies in the employees’ career progression.''
''Employees can select a coach for them. This person can be their line manager, another internal manager, or an external consultant having suitable competencies in the employees’ career progression.''
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<span class="heading" style="display: inline-block; height: 2rem; line-height: 2rem; padding-left: .5rem; padding-right: 1rem; margin: .6rem 0; border-radius: 0 1rem 1rem 0; background-color: #d59622; color:#FFFFFF; font-size: 14px;">'''LUÂN CHUYỂN CÔNG VIỆC'''</span></div>
<span class="heading" style="display: inline-block; height: 2rem; line-height: 2rem; padding-left: .5rem; padding-right: 1rem; margin: .6rem 0; border-radius: 0 1rem 1rem 0; background-color: #d59622; color:#FFFFFF; font-size: 14px;">'''ROTATION'''</span></div>Rotation refers to the act of transferring employees from a position to another to help them gain new knowledge and skills in various fields across the Company. The experience and knowledge gained will enable employees to handle tasks of higher levels in the future. 

Luân chuyển công việc là hình thức điều chuyển CBNV từ vị trí công việc này sang vị trí công việc khác nhằm cung cấp cho họ những kinh nghiệm và kỹ năng làm việc mới, ở nhiều lĩnh vực khác nhau trong tổ chức. Những kinh nghiệm và kiến thức thu được qua quá trình đó sẽ giúp cho CBNV có khả năng thực hiện được những công việc cao hơn trong tương lai. 
Three ways of rotation:

''Rotation refers to the act of transferring employees from a position to another to help them gain new knowledge and skills in various fields across the Company. The experience and knowledge gained will enable employees to handle tasks of higher levels in the future.'' 
*Transfer the employees to another department within the Company, but keep their roles and powers unchanged;
*Transfer the employees to a new position outside of their existing expertise;
Có thể luân chuyển công việc theo ba cách/ T''hree ways of rotation:''
*Assign a different role to the employees, yet their field of work and the department they are working in remain unchanged.<br />
*Chuyển CBNV đến bộ phận khác trong tổ chức nhưng vẫn với chức năng và quyền hạn như cũ./ ''Transfer the employees to another department within the Company, but keep their roles and powers unchanged;''
*Chuyển CBNV đến một vị trí công tác mới ngoài lĩnh vực chuyên môn của họ./ ''Transfer the employees to a new position outside of their existing expertise;''
*Chuyển CBNV thực hiện một công việc khác nhưng vẫn trong phạm vi bộ phận hoặc trong mảng chuyên môn hiện tại/ ''Assign a different role to the employees, yet their field of work and the department they are working in remain unchanged.''<br />

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<span class="heading" style="display: inline-block; height: 2rem; line-height: 2rem; padding-left: .5rem; padding-right: 1rem; margin: .6rem 0; border-radius: 0 1rem 1rem 0; background-color: #d59622; color:#FFFFFF; font-size: 14px;">'''TỰ HỌC QUA IDP/ SELF-LEARNING THROUGH IDP'''</span></div><br /><div style="font-size:12pt; color:#b46292"> '''Tự học qua IDP'''</div>
<span class="heading" style="display: inline-block; height: 2rem; line-height: 2rem; padding-left: .5rem; padding-right: 1rem; margin: .6rem 0; border-radius: 0 1rem 1rem 0; background-color: #d59622; color:#FFFFFF; font-size: 14px;">'''SELF-LEARNING THROUGH IDP'''</span></div>An Individual Development Plan (IDP) is a tool helping employees identify the competence/skills they need to acquire or improve to meet the job’s demands, thus forming a clear roadmap for training, competence improvement and personal development.
IDP (Individual Development Plan) - Kế hoạch phát triển cá nhân là một công cụ giúp CBNV phát triển nghề nghiệp và cá nhân. Việc xây dựng IDP sẽ giúp CBNV đạt được các mục tiêu nghề nghiệp ngắn hạn và dài hạn, cũng như cải thiện hiệu suất công việc hiện tại.
''An Individual Development Plan (IDP) is a tool helping employees identify the competence/skills they need to acquire or improve to meet the job’s demands, thus forming a clear roadmap for training, competence improvement and personal development.''
Hiện nay, nếu chỉ đào tạo bằng các phương pháp đào tạo truyền thống thì sẽ khó đạt được hiệu quả cao do cách thức đào tạo tập trung trên lớp khó đáp ứng được nhu cầu cá nhân hóa của người hóa. Chính vì vậy, song song với các hình thức đào tạo tập trung, và kèm cặp trong công việc, mỗi CBNV cần có bản IDP để có thể phát triển theo lộ trình phù hợp với nhu cầu cá nhân.
''Currently, applying traditional training methods alone is insufficient to yield the best outcomes, as collective training in class can hardly meet specific needs of individual learners. Therefore, along with collective training methods and on-job coaching, each employee has to have his/her own IDP to track his/her progression in alignment with personal needs.  ''
Quá trình lập kế hoạch phát triển cá nhân cũng mang lại lợi ích cho tổ chức bằng cách gắn các nỗ lực đào tạo và phát triển nhân viên với sứ mệnh và mục tiêu của tổ chức. Khi thẩm định và phê duyệt IDP của nhân viên, người quản lý hiểu rõ hơn về các mục tiêu nghề nghiệp, điểm mạnh và nhu cầu phát triển của nhân viên, từ đó có các kế hoạch đào tạo và hỗ trợ phát triển nhân viên thực tế và hiệu quả hơn.
''The Company also benefits from individuals’ development plans, by aligning its mission and objectives with efforts to develop and train the employees. When appraising and approving employees’ IDPs, the managers can gain a better understanding of their career objectives, strengths and development needs. Plans for training and supporting employees will then be more practical and effective.''
Quy trình lập IDP tại Vinschool/ ''IDP making process at Vinschool:''
*<u>Tháng 8 hàng năm/''In August each year'':</u>
#CBNV tự xây dựng IDP dựa trên các dữ liệu của năm học trước (gồm đánh giá hiệu quả công việc, dữ liệu dự giờ lớp học, kết quả học tập của học sinh, phản hồi của phụ huynh…) và định hướng của nhà trường, công ty trong năm học mới/ ''The employees will draw up their own IDPs based on data of the previous academic year (including performance review, class observation, students’ outcomes, feedback from parents, etc.) and the school’s/Company’s directions for the new academic year.''

#CBQL trực tiếp ngồi cùng CBNV để góp ý và thẩm định IDP, sau đó CBNV hoàn thiện IDP của mình/ ''Line managers will work directly with their employees to provide feedback and review the IDPs. The employees will then complete their IDPs.''
Currently, applying traditional training methods alone is insufficient to yield the best outcomes, as collective training in class can hardly meet specific needs of individual learners. Therefore, along with collective training methods and on-job coaching, each employee has to have his/her own IDP to track his/her progression in alignment with personal needs.  

#CBLĐ cấp trên phê duyệt IDP của CBNV/ ''Leaders at higher levels approve the IDPs of employees.''
The Company also benefits from individuals’ development plans, by aligning its mission and objectives with efforts to develop and train the employees. When appraising and approving employees’ IDPs, the managers can gain a better understanding of their career objectives, strengths and development needs. Plans for training and supporting employees will then be more practical and effective.

*<u>Tháng 9 đến tháng 5/ ''From September through May'':</u>

#CBNV thực hiện IDP theo kế hoạch đã phê duyệt/ ''Employees carry out their IDPs as approved''
IDP making process at Vinschool:

#CBQL trực tiếp định kì ngồi với CBNV để rà soát tiến độ và kết quả thực hiện IDP, tư vấn và hỗ trợ CBNV trong quá trình thực hiện/ ''Line Managers have periodic direct meetings with the employees to monitor the progress and implementation results of the IDPs. Line Managers also advise and support the employees during the implementation.''
*<u>August each year:</u>

#Tháng 1: CBNV và CBQL trực tiếp cùng đánh giá việc thực hiện IDP giữa năm học và điều chỉnh mục tiêu, kế hoạch cho HK2 nếu cần/ ''In January: Employees and Line Managers work together to review the mid-year IDP implementation and adjust the goals and plans for the second semester if necessary.''
# The employees will draw up their own IDPs based on data of the previous academic year (including performance review, class observation, students’ outcomes, feedback from parents, etc.) and the school’s/Company’s directions for the new academic year.
# Line managers will work directly with their employees to provide feedback and review the IDPs. The employees will then complete their IDPs.
# Leaders at higher levels approve the IDPs of employees.
*<u>From September through May:</u>

#Tháng 6: CBNV và CBQL trực tiếp cùng đánh giá việc thực hiện IDP trong cả năm/ ''In June: The employees and line managers shall work together for a full-year IDP implementation review.''
# Employees carry out their IDPs as approved
# Line Managers have periodic direct meetings with the employees to monitor the progress and implementation results of the IDPs. Line Managers also advise and support the employees during the implementation.
# In January: Employees and Line Managers work together to review the mid-year IDP implementation and adjust the goals and plans for the second semester if necessary.
# In June: The employees and line managers shall work together for a full-year IDP implementation review.

[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1urBrLQcfPYZ90914uPKR1OH9IVO-MgLS/edit Tham khảo mẫu IDP tại Vinschool]
[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1urBrLQcfPYZ90914uPKR1OH9IVO-MgLS/edit IDP example in Vinschool]
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Latest revision as of 14:38, 27 February 2023


To help employees better understand their tasks, work requirements and standards and improve their competencies, training is a crucial activity requiring a strong focus on implementation.

Depending on the learners and training needs, the Company or department shall select the appropriate training method.

This method focuses on theory training, in which the learners are provided with information, knowledge, and skills required to do the job. Different types of off-job collective training include:
  • Internal training: This is a collective training method carried out by an internal trainer. Internal trainers are specialized teachers or employees in charge of teaching/training tasks.

The most frequent internal training contents include directions, cultures, integration, internal rules and regulations, professional skills.

  • Outsourced training: This is a collective training method, in which the trainers are outsourced external experts or training organizations.

Outsourced training contents are usually updates on new knowledge and skills from leading organizations/experts

  • Assigning staffs to degree/certificate granting courses: This training method is for individuals required to acquire additional specialized competence to meet the job demands or improve their expertise.

Employees will actively register for an external course and submit the degree/certification of course completion to the Company.

  • Participation in conferences/workshop: Employees may be assigned to attend local or international conferences to get to know new trends in the industry or learn from the experts.
Through this on-job training method, the learners will be able to acquire essential knowledge and skills for the job, by performing the tasks under the instructions and coaching of their line managers or another experienced employee.

Contents to be delivered through OJT are practical tasks applicable to the common labor departments, such as Housekeeping, Technician, Security, Kitchen, etc.

This on-job training method is commonly adopted in the education field and focus on teachers. Through class observation and feedback, both observers and observed teachers can draw valuable lessons to improve their teaching quality.

This training method is closely linked to employees’ actual tasks and usually used for the development of employees, potential executives/managers and successors.

Employees can select a coach for them. This person can be their line manager, another internal manager, or an external consultant having suitable competencies in the employees’ career progression.

Rotation refers to the act of transferring employees from a position to another to help them gain new knowledge and skills in various fields across the Company. The experience and knowledge gained will enable employees to handle tasks of higher levels in the future.

Three ways of rotation:

  • Transfer the employees to another department within the Company, but keep their roles and powers unchanged;
  • Transfer the employees to a new position outside of their existing expertise;
  • Assign a different role to the employees, yet their field of work and the department they are working in remain unchanged.
An Individual Development Plan (IDP) is a tool helping employees identify the competence/skills they need to acquire or improve to meet the job’s demands, thus forming a clear roadmap for training, competence improvement and personal development.

Currently, applying traditional training methods alone is insufficient to yield the best outcomes, as collective training in class can hardly meet specific needs of individual learners. Therefore, along with collective training methods and on-job coaching, each employee has to have his/her own IDP to track his/her progression in alignment with personal needs.  

The Company also benefits from individuals’ development plans, by aligning its mission and objectives with efforts to develop and train the employees. When appraising and approving employees’ IDPs, the managers can gain a better understanding of their career objectives, strengths and development needs. Plans for training and supporting employees will then be more practical and effective.

IDP making process at Vinschool:

  • August each year:
  1. The employees will draw up their own IDPs based on data of the previous academic year (including performance review, class observation, students’ outcomes, feedback from parents, etc.) and the school’s/Company’s directions for the new academic year.
  2. Line managers will work directly with their employees to provide feedback and review the IDPs. The employees will then complete their IDPs.
  3. Leaders at higher levels approve the IDPs of employees.
  • From September through May:
  1. Employees carry out their IDPs as approved
  2. Line Managers have periodic direct meetings with the employees to monitor the progress and implementation results of the IDPs. Line Managers also advise and support the employees during the implementation.
  3. In January: Employees and Line Managers work together to review the mid-year IDP implementation and adjust the goals and plans for the second semester if necessary.
  4. In June: The employees and line managers shall work together for a full-year IDP implementation review.

IDP example in Vinschool